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9TH edition
of the International
conference on
fatigue design

17 & 18 November
2021 Senlis - France
The 9th Fatigue Design conference, to be held in 2021, aims to present the most innovative approaches and scientific progress in design methodologies, tools, and equipment’s life extension, focusing on industrial applications. For this edition, a special focus is made on the contribution of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to the fatigue design world. To facilitate exchanges among participants, in addition to the two days of lectures, there will be: • a poster exhibition, • a technological showcase by service providers and technology suppliers. For the fourth time, the organizing committee has decided to dedicate the conference to the scientific community from a specific country. After USA in 2015, Italy in 2017, Japan in 2019 in respect to German advance research works in the area of fatigue and fracture mechanics in the last years, it has been decided to consider German as the “partner country” for this conference.The organizing committee wants to keep the conviviality of a face-to-face conference which is the soul of the Fatigue Design conference since 2005. However in regarding the current health situation, the conference is also available in a digital version.

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November 17th
08:30 - 09:00 / GMT -1 Paris / Opening statement - Room 6 Replay
09:00 - 10:30 / GMT -1 Paris / Plenary Session - Room 6

50 - Experimental-numerical analysis microstructure-property linkages for additively manufactured materials
Alexander Raßloff, Paul Schulz, Robert Kühne, André T. Zeuner, Marreddy Ambati, Ilja Koch, Maik Guda, Martina Zimmermann, Markus Kästner

61 - Fatigue Damage estimation in vehicle thermal subsystems from minimal instrumentation thanks to a mixed engineering / Data Science approach
Tudor Miu, Marco Bonato, Frédéric KihmFrédéric Kihm
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10:30 - 11:15 / GMT -1 Paris / Coffee - Exhibition - Poster Session
Room 6
11:15 - 12:45 GMT -1 Paris
S01-1 Additive Manufacturing
8 - Fatigue property-performance relationship of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V bracket for aero-engine application: An experimental study
Alok Gupta, Chris J. Bennett, Wei SunAlok Gupta
16 - Image-based and in-situ measurement techniques for the characterization of the damage behavior of additively manufactured lattice structures under fatigue loading
Wiebke Radlof, Manuela SanderWiebke Radlof
27 - Comparison of different approaches to model fatigue for SLM specimens considering production-related characteristics
Michaela Zeißig, Frank JablonskiMichaela Zeißig
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Room 7
11:15 - 12:45 GMT -1 Paris
S07-1 Experimental and numerical design and validation methods
6 - Structural integrity proof of automotive safety parts
Matteo FacchinettiMatteo Facchinetti
30 - Identification method of vehicle loads using a multi body vehicle model, real sensors and an extended Kalman filter
Debarbouillé Alexandre, Dion Jean-Luc, Renaud Franck, Dimitrijevic Zoran, Chojnacki Denis
32 - Optimized vehicle durability testing by means of an intelligent test driver guidance system
Florian Grober, Andreas Janßen, Ferit KüçükayFlorian Grober
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Room 8
11:15 - 12:45 GMT -1 Paris
S04-1 Composites, elastomers and adhesive bonding
88 - Stress-related structural durability engineering of mounting parts subjected to inertia forces with multi-axial dynamic excitations
Sébastien Chéreau, Felix Bilger, Kurt Poetter Sébastien Chéreau
19 - Fatigue and damage assessment of CFRP material using digital image correlation
Sara Eliasson, Lars Berg, Per Wennhage, Zuheir BarsoumSara Eliasson
86 - Numerical calculation of homogenized effective material properties of the single ply for arbitrary fiber distributions
Sebastian Spanke, Jan Scholten, Henning Haensel, Jochen HöhbuschSebastian Spanke
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Room 9
11:15 - 12:45 GMT -1 Paris
S03-1 Complex loading
47 - A systematic experimental study on the impact of multiaxiality and non-proportionality on fatigue life of cast steels at high temperature
Karl Michael Kraemer, Alexander Erbe, Fabian Conrad, Christian Kontermann, Matthias OechsnerAlexander Erbe
46 - Multiaxial variable amplitude loading for automotive parts fatigue life assessment: a loading classification-based approach proposal
Enora Bellec, Matteo Luca Facchinetti, Cédric Doudard, Sylvain Calloch, Sylvain MoyneEnora Bellec
120 - Methodology for evaluating the probability of failure of a mechanical component in multiaxial fatigue
Guillaume Causse, Thierry YalamasGuillaume Causse
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12:45 - 14:00 / GMT -1 Paris / Lunch
Room 6
14:00 - 16:00 GMT -1 Paris
S02-1 Big Data and Artificial Intelligence
95 - Smart testing : IoT applied to fatigue test monitoring
Xavier Hermite, Fabien Lefebvre, Matthieu Cronnier
48 - A data-driven approach for approximating nonlinear dynamic systems using LSTM networks
Leonhard Heindel, Peter Hantschke, Markus KästnerLeonhard Heindel
7 - How fraud detection technologies can help to detect damages in aircraft structures
Arnaud Cugniere, Olaf Tusch, Andreas MösenbacherArnaud Cugniere
9 - Prediction of fatigue failure in small-scale butt-welded joints with explainable machine learning
Moritz Braun, Leon Kellner, Sören Ehlers Moritz Braun
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Room 7
14:00 - 16:00 GMT -1 Paris
S01-2 Additive Manufacturing
28 - Estimating the fatigue thresholds of wrought and additively manufactured metallic materials with consideration of defects
Daniele Rigon, Giovanni Meneghetti Daniele Rigon
31 - Correlation between quasistatic and fatigue properties of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg using laser powder bed fusion
Andreas Kempf, Julius Kruse, Mauro Madia, Kai HilgenbergAndreas Kempf
40 - Effects of the modification of standard powder particle size on fatigue performance of laser Powder-bed fused Ti-6Al-4V
Arash Soltani-Tehrani, Mohammad Salman Yasin, Shuai Shao, Meysam Haghshenas, Nima ShamsaeiMeysam Haghshenas
66 - Fatigue behaviour assessment of an industrial component produced by additive manufacturing processes: the hydraulic block
Christophe Grosjean, Philippe Amuzuga, Michel Marzin, Etienne Camus, Fabien Lefebvre, Thomas MunchChristophe Grosjean
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Room 8
14:00 - 16:00 GMT -1 Paris
S08-1 Fatigue of assemblies
3 - Fatigue and ultimate strength assessment of post weld treatedStrenx 1100 plus butt welds
Tobias Jonsson, Torbjörn Narström, Zuheir Barsoum
14 - The Peak Stress Method applied to fatigue lifetime estimation of welded steel joints under variable amplitude multiaxial local stresses
Luca Vecchiato, Alberto Campagnolo, Beatrice Besa, Giovanni Meneghetti Giovanni Meneghetti
17 - Fatigue assessment of welded joints including the effect of residual stresses
Jacques Berthellemy
64 - Fatigue evaluation of beam cope holes in the web coinciding with thickness transition in the flange (study commissioned by ASFVinci and French Road Directorate)
Andrea Chiocca, Francesco Frendo, Leonardo Bertini Andrea Chiocca
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Room 9
14:00 - 16:00 GMT -1 Paris
S06-1 Damage tolerance and fatigue life
53 - Assessment of fatigue crack growth based on 3D finite element modeling approach
Paul Ilie, Ayhan Ince, Adrian LoghinAyhan Ince
65 - Crack propagation analysis using XFEMand following evaluation of deck repair projects at rib-to-deck welding for steel orthotropic bridge decks
Jacques Berthellemy, Morteza Ahmadivala
20 - Experimental study of a CoCrMo alloy treated by SMAT under rotating bending fatigue
Lucas Brasileiro, Zhidan Sun, Catherine Mabru, Rémy Chieragatti, Gwénaëlle Proust, Delphine RetraintLucas Brasileiro
21 - The effect of the environmental conditions on the threshold against fatigue crack propagation
Larissa Duarte, Mauro Madia, Uwe Zerbst Larissa Duarte
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16:00 - 17:15 / GMT -1 Paris / Coffee - Exhibition - Poster Session
Room 6
17:15 - 18:45 GMT -1 Paris
S08-2 Fatigue of assemblies
67 - Overview on the fatigue strength of single-sided transverse and longitudinal fillet weld joints
Antti Ahola, Tuomas Skriko, Timo BjörkAntti Ahola
69 - Influence of overload on fatigue behaviour of longitudinal non-load-carrying welded joints
Isabel Huther, Fabien Lefebvre, Benaouda Abdellaoui, Vincent LerayIsabel Huther
111 - A stochastic modeling of fatigue behavior on welding joints in automotive structures
H. Guo, P. Feissel, F. Druesne, N. Limnios, S. Bouzebda, A. Patigniez, S. BouyauxH. Guo
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Room 7
17:15 - 18:45 GMT -1 Paris
S07-2 Experimental and numerical design and validation methods
36 - Towards a better understanding of mechanical stress applied by passenger vehicle customers with optimized instrumentation and relevant data postprocessing méthodologies
Denis Chojnacki Denis Chojnacki
49 - Phase-field modelling of fatigue failure in ductile materials
Martha Seiler, Marreddy Ambati, Markus KästnerMartha Seiler
59 - Advanced fatigue assessment - the future of wind turbine towers
Hendrik Bissing, Marion Rauch, Markus KnoblochHendrik Bissing
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Room 8
17:15 - 18:45 GMT -1 Paris
S04-2 Composites, elastomers and adhesive bonding
18 - An investigation of the residual stiffness and strength of a glass fibre reinforced composite in high cycle fatigue experiments
Stephan Häusler, Richard Fink, Christopher Benz, Manuela SanderStephan Häusler
90 - Ply scale modelling of the fatigue behaviour of a glass fibre / acrylic matrix composite material covering the service temperature range of wind turbine blades
Eileen Boissin, Christophe Bois, Jean-Christophe Wahl, Thierry Palin-Luc, Damien CaousChristophe Bois
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Room 9
17:15 - 18:45 GMT -1 Paris
S03-2 Complex loading
10 - Local prestressing of cold forging tools by reinforcements with adapted interference
Martin Killmann, Marion Merklein Martin Killmann
58 - Fracture fatigue life calculations with the local strain approach
Melanie Fiedler, Michael VormwaldMelanie Fiedler
91 - Nonlinear modal time history analysis : allowing for quick stress determination taking nonlinear phenomena into account
Romain Duval Romain Duval
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November 18th
Room 6
08:30 - 10:00 GMT -1 Paris
S08-3 Fatigue of assemblies
78 - Influence of out-of-plane deformation on fatigue strength of web gusset welded joints
Yuki Takahashi, Masahiro Saakano, Taiga Teranishi, Yoshihiko TakadaMasahiro Saakano
89 - Fatigue design of mild and high-strength steel cruciform joints in as-welded and HFMItreated condition by nominal and effective notch stress approach
Peter Brunnhofer, Christian Buzzi, Tobias Pertoll, Martin Rieger, Martin Leitner
101 - Fatigue testing and analysis of aluminum welds in highway bridge decks
Mahmoud Trimech, Charles-Darwin Annan, Scott WalbridgeMahmoud Trimech
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Room 7
08:30 - 10:00 GMT -1 Paris
S07-3 Experimental and numerical design and validation methods
62 - Digital Twin for Fatigue Analysis
Amaury ChabodAmaury Chabod
75 - Fatigue strength of laser-dressed nonload-carrying fillet weld joints made of ultrahigh-strength steel
Tuomas Skriko, Antti Ahola, Ilkka Poutiainen, Timo Björk Antti Ahola
93 - On the evaluation of overload effects on the fatigue performance of engineering materials
Kimiya Hemmesi, Franz Ellmer, Majid Farajian, Michael Luke
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Room 8
08:30 - 10:00 GMT -1 Paris
S04-3 Composites, elastomers and adhesive bonding
5 - Joint strengths and fatigue properties of Al/steel dissimilar adhesive joints
Yoshihiko UematsuYoshihiko Uematsu
79 - Fatigue of adhesive bonding: world first fatigue s-n curve for fpso application
Firas Sayed, Luc MoutonFiras Sayed
104 - Fatigue strength of adhesively bonded tube-tube specimens under multiaxial loading with constant and variable amplitudes
Matthias Hecht, Jörg BaumgartnerMatthias Hecht
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Room 9
08:30 - 10:00 GMT -1 Paris
S10-1 Taking into account manufacturing process in fatigue analysis
24 - Design of microstructural gradient for fatigue properties of pearlitic steels
Lais Avila de Oliveira Silva, Christophe Mesplont, Jérémie Bouquerel, Jean-Bernard VogtLais Avila de Oliveira Silva
41 - A comparative study on fatigue performance of various additive manufactured titanium alloys
Mohammad Salman Yasin, Arash Arash Soltani-Tehrani, Shuai Shao, Meysam Haghshenas, Nima ShamsaeiMeysam Haghshenas
35 - - Estimation of fatigue life for clinched joints with the local strain approach
Boris Spak, Markus Kästner, Melanie FiedlerBoris Spak
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10:00 - 10:45 / GMT -1 Paris / Coffee - Exhibition - Poster Session
Room 6
10:45 - 12:15 GMT -1 Paris
S01-3 Additive Manufacturing
105 - The effect of surface state on the crack initiation mechanisms of additively manufactured titanium components for aeronautical applications
David Mellé, Etienne Pessard, René Billardon, Franck Morel, Daniel Bellett, Martine Monin, Sandy BlancDavid Mellé
45 - Influence of post-processing treatments on the fatigue behavior of notched additive manufactured TA6V: Rapid fatigue characterization using staircase procedure and infrared techniques
Théo Dusautoir, Bruno Berthel, Siegfried Fouvry, Paul Matzen, Klaus-Dieter MeckThéo Dusautoir
73 - State of the art of fatigue strength of materials & structures from additive manufacturing - The pivot, A Cetim development structures
Benaouda Abdellaoui, Robin Hauteville, Alexian Juin, Philippe Amuzuga
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Room 7
10:45 - 12:15 GMT -1 Paris
S08-4 Fatigue of assemblies
83 - Parametric calculations of service fatigue life of welded t-joints
Miloslav Kepka, Miloslav Kepka Jr.Miloslav Kepka Jr.
81 - Investigation of fatigue performance for structural steels and their weldments in vhcf domain
Yevgen Gorash, Tugrul Comlekci, Gary StygerYevgen Gorash
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Room 8
10:45 - 12:15 GMT -1 Paris
S06-2 Damage tolerance and fatigue life
22 - Determination of fatigue crack propagation thresholds using small-scale specimens
Tiago Werner, Sergio Blasón, Mauro Madia, Julius Kruse, Matteo BenedettiTiago Werner
25 - Estimation of the Kitagawa-Takahashi diagram by cyclic R-curve analysis
Mauro Madia, Uwe Zerbst, Tiago WernerMauro Madia
34 - Fatigue strength of autofrettaged component-like specimens made of ultra high strength steel
Carl Fällgren, Heinz Thomas Beier, Michael VormwaldCarl Fällgren
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Room 9
10:45 - 12:15 GMT -1 Paris
S10-2 Taking into account manufacturing process in fatigue analysis
82 - Effect of machining, heat and surface treatment process on gear fatigue performance (bending and pitting)
Victorien Gautheron, Simon Jolivet, Hind Orkhis, Marion Risbet, Julie Marteau, Fabien Lefebvre, Hervé RognonVictorien Gautheron
103 - High cycle fatigue behaviour of HighPressure Die-Cast aluminium alloy AlSi9 Cu3 : Role of defects and loading conditions
Thomas Landron, Franck Morel, Nicolas Saintier, Viet Duc Le, Daniel Bellett, Pierre OsmondThomas Landron
56 - Fatigue software smart use to calculate by FEA a complete map of the damage due to a duty cycle, regarding thermo-mechanical fatigue failure modeApplication to a truck cylinder head lifetime assessment
Barthoux Kamilia, Blondet HubertBarthoux Kamilia
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12:15 - 13:30 / GMT -1 Paris / Lunch
Room 6
13:30 - 15:30 GMT -1 Paris
S01-4 Additive Manufacturing
94 - Experimental and numerical study of fatigue behavior of Ti6Al-4V architectured materials obtained buy additive manufacturing
Marie Pirotais, Nicolas Saintier, Charles BruggerMarie Pirotais
98 - Fatigue strength sensitivity to defects and surface roughness for aluminium alloys obtained by additive manufacturing
Matthieu Bonneric, Charles Brugger, Nicolas Saintier, Antonio Castro-Moreno, Benoît TranchandMatthieu Bonneric
102 - Influence of microstructure on fatigue behaviour of 316L stainless steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF)
Hugo Roirand, Benoit Malard, Anis Hor, Nicolas SaintierHugo Roirand
52 - Room temperature mechanical properties of additively manufactured Ni-base superalloys: a comparative study
Seyed Ghiaasiaan, Muztahid Muhammad, Arash Tehrani, Shuai Shao, Nima Shamsae
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Room 7
13:30 - 15:30 GMT -1 Paris
S09-1 Reliability–based approaches and probabilistic methods
33 - Analysis of real-life multi-input loading histories for the reliable design of vehicle chassis
Emilien Baroux, Benoit Delattre, Ida Raoult, Patrick Pamphile, Andrei ConstantinescuEmilien Baroux
55 - A methodology for the probabilistic analysis of fatigue cumulative damage cases
Enrique Castillo, Sergio Blasón, Miguel Muniz-Calvente, Alfonso Fernández-CanteliSergio Blasón
70 - A new generic method to analyze fatigue results
Robin Hauteville, Xavier Hermite Robin Hauteville
97 - Scatter and size effect in High Cycle Fatigue strength due to the effects of porosity in cast aluminum-silicon alloys: probabilistic modelling
Driss El Khoukhi, Franck Morel, Nicolas Saintier, Daniel Bellett, Pierre Osmond, Viet-Duc LeDriss El Khoukhi
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Room 8
13:30 - 15:30 GMT -1 Paris
S06-3 Damage tolerance and fatigue life
87 - Residual Life Assessment (RLA) of structures and equipment
Bruno Depale, Mohamed BennebachBruno Depale
100 - Instrumented fatigue tests on 316L and TA6V samples produced by wire arc additive manufacturing
Hacquard Christophe, Deschaux-Beaume Frédéric, Wattrisse Bertrand, Muracciole Jean-Michel, Soulié FabienHacquard Christophe
13 - 3D FEA based surrogate modeling in fatigue crack growth life assessment
Adrian Loghin, Shakhrukh IsmonovAdrian Loghin
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Room 9
13:30 - 15:30 GMT -1 Paris
S05-1 Contact fatigue, fretting and vibration
68 - Fretting cracking behaviour of an Al/SiC composite: influence of the anisotropy of the reinforcing particles orientation
Jean Balmon, Julien Said, Siegfried Fouvry, Patrick Villechaise, Jean-Yves Buffière, Josselin Paturaud, Julien Feraille, Nicolas GuillemotJean Balmon
112 - Wear resistance under fretting conditions, an alternative to hard chrome plating by using thermal spraying
C.Trevisiol, D. Dublanche, S. Beauvais, E. Aubignat, P. Spiller, YM. Chen, C. Luh-Minh, A. Govaere, R. Jacques, K. Leclerc, D. CazéC.Trevisiol
72 - Multi-scale modelling and testing of overhead conductors under vibrating loadings
Julien Said, Siegfried Fouvry, Marc Coulangeon, Jerome Brocard, Georges Cailletaud, Christine Yang, Fikri Hafid
37 - Effects of inappropriate sampling on counting algorithms in vibration fatigue
Arvid Trapp, Quirin Hösch, Peter WolfsteinerArvid Trapp
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15:30 - 16:00 / GMT -1 Paris / Coffee - Exhibition - Poster Session
16:00 - 17:30 / GMT -1 Paris / Plenary Session - Room 6

11 - Artificial neural network approach integrated with finite element analysis for residual stress simulation of direct metal deposition processFarshid Hajializadeh, Ayhan Ince
99 - Definition of simplified fatigue tests using numerical fatigue simulation methodsRonald SchrankRonald Schrank -
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17:45 / GMT -1 Paris / End of the conference